
Open Call for participants in the “Misplaced Women?” performance workshop in the public space with Tanja Ostojić, in Innsbruck, May 11-13 2018, with a presentation in Die Bäckerei

In Innsbruck, News, Workshops on February 19, 2018 at 4:31 pm

This is the Open Call for participants in the Misplaced Women? 3-day-long performance art workshop in the public space with Tanja Ostojić, May 11-13 2018, with a public presentation in Die Bäckerei, Kulturbackstube, Innsbruck, Austria

Participants of all backgrounds, ages, genders and levels of experience that can commit to participate for the entire duration of the workshop are welcome, but we particularly encourage those who are interested in issues of migration, performance art, conditions related to the ones identifying as women, representations of gender and art in the public realm. Participants are invited and encouraged to share and exchange about experiences and issues of migration, displacement, exposure and privilege and to enact some of the Misplaced Women? performance scores. The workshop is free of charge, warm drinks and snacks will be provided, professional photo documentation of participants work will be provided as well, and due to limited numbers of places we ask you kindly to apply.

The deadline for applications is Monday, April 16 2018.


Workshop: Friday May 11: 10am—5pm & Saturday May 12, 2018: 10am—6pm.
Public presentation: Sunday May 13: 11am—1pm.

During the workshop we will all have an opportunity to perform in the public spaces, and outcomes will be presented to the public at the third day of the workshop at the Die Bäckerei, Kulturbackstube and included on the Misplaced Women? project website.

This project, including the workshop and group and individual performances in the public spaces, have been chosen for realisation in the frame of the Kunst im öffentlichen Raum des Landes Tirol, supported by the region of Tyrol. The press and media communication are done in collaboration with the Tiroler Künstlerschaft.


“Misplaced Women?” performance workshop by Tanja Ostojić at Info Park, Belgrade (2015). (Group intervention, including: Tanja Ostojić, Sunčica Šido, Nela Antonović) Photo: Lidija Antonović

Deutsche Übersetzung  

Please reed about the project and see more workshop and application relevant details below:

About the project:  

Misplaced Women? is an art project by Tanja Ostojić that consists of performances, performance series, workshops and delegated performances, ongoing since 2009, including contributions by international artists, students and people from divers backgrounds. Within this project we embody and enact some of everyday life’s activities that thematise displacement, as it is known to transients, migrants, war and disaster refugees and to the itinerant artists travelling the world to earn their living. Those performances deal with continuing themes of migration, and relations of power and vulnerability with regard to the mobile and in particular the female body, an aspect that figured prominently in numerous previous works of mine.

About the workshop leader: 

Tanja Ostojić (*1972) is a renowned Berlin based, Yugoslavian born performance and interdisciplinary artist whose artworks engage with feminism and migration politics. She includes herself as a character in performances and uses diverse media in her artistic researches, thereby examining social configurations and relations of power. She works predominantly from the migrant woman’s perspective, from within specific social contexts. The approaches of her work are defined by political positioning and the integration of recipients. Since 1994 she presented her work in numerous exhibitions, festivals and venues around the world. She has given talks, lectures, seminars and workshops at academic conferences and at art universities around Europe and in the Americas.

About the workshop:

The “Misplaced Women?” project involves the unpacking of a suitcase, a plastic bag, a handbag or a similar object in a public sphere, whereby these objects come to stand for a displacement, as theme that is common in everyday experiences of transients, migrants, homeless, war and disaster refugees. The workshop aims to familiarise the participants with the topics and to stimulate discussion and interventions in the variety of public spaces.

The first part of the workshop includes getting together, informing and communicating, whereby the participants shall exchange with each other about individual experiences and the aims of the project.

During the second part, the participants are encouraged and supported to enact live performances and interventions in the streets and parks of Innsbruck. Public performances will be documented by a professional photographer.

The outcomes of the workshop will be presented to the public at the third day in Die Bäckerei, Kulturbackstube in Innsbruck. All participants of the workshop are invited to take active part in this presentation and the following discussion.

The documentation, notes and reflections from the workshop will be gathered, edited and published on the Misplaced Women? project website. 

Dates of the workshop:

Friday, Saturday and Sunday May 11-13, 2018.

The deadline for applications is Monday, March 19 2018.

Who can apply: 

Students and participants of all backgrounds and genders that can commit to participate for the entire duration of the workshop are welcome. No particular language skills are required. We welcome people with any kind of “disabilities” and the ones who do not speak English or Deutsch. Please specify any special requirements in your application.

The event is free of charge, but due to limited numbers we ask interested people to apply. Please send an email to tanjaostojicart (AT) gmail.com with the subject Misplaced Women?  Innsbruck and write one short motivational and biographical paragraph. You are welcome to add a link to your personal home page if you have one and your contact information.

Additional links:

Misplaced Women? project

Tanja Ostojić, books

Die Bäckerei, Kulturbackstube, Dreiheiligenstraße 21a, Innsbruck, Austria


Drawing by David Caines of the performance by Dagmara Bilon in the frame of the “Misplaced Women?” performance workshop by Tanja Ostojic in LADA, London (2016)

  1. […] Open Call for participants for the “Misplaced Women?” performance workshop in the public space w… […]


  2. […] Open Call for participants for the “Misplaced Women?” performance workshop in the public space w… […]


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